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Meet Sarah Britton

Hello! I'm Sarah, a fantasy fiction reader, writer, and digital artist. In my spare time, I enjoy perusing Wikipedia’s ancient civilization pages, frequenting Japanese restaurants and chocolate shops, and bestowing belly rubs upon my mustachioed menace of a tuxedo cat, Sylvester.


I have spent most of my life writing. As early as fourth grade, my friends and I exchanged stories in class and out of class, sharing our ideas on scraps of paper and reviewing each other’s work. Some of us even took up drawing to bring visuals to the worlds and characters we created.


To continue this passion, I earned my Bachelor’s in English Literature at the University of North Carolina Asheville in 2018, including writing and defending a thesis prior to graduating. I’ve worked part-time as a website content reviewer and social media intern at Britton Law, PA, and have proofread and edited articles and manuscripts for Vitalink, CatalystGroup, and Britton Law, PA. As a member of the Editorial Freelance Association (EFA), I regularly take part in courses to further hone my editing skills. My most recent completions are Working with Indie Authors, Editing Young Adult Fiction, and Editing for Conscious and Inclusive Language.


“Rewriting is as hard as composition is — that is, very hard work. But revising — fiddling and polishing — that’s gravy — I love it. I could do it forever. And the computer has made it such a breeze.” 

~ Ursula Le Guin

Favorite Reads:

Discworld series by Terry Pratchett

Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden

Queen's Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner

Seven Realms series by Cinda Williams Chima

Favorite Genres:

Every Fantasy flavor in existence

Folklore - Satirical Comedy - Dystopian

Historical Fiction - Mystery - Thriller

Favorite Errors of Mine

"Once open a time..."

"Slowly, he walked slowly."

"After much deliberation, I said, 'I want pancacks.'"


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